Based on a review of the country experiences and the critical documentary analysis of contents, policies and actions, this paper characterizes the critical links in the response to the public health emergency of SARS-CoV-2 with comprehensive, reproducible claims, unique, monocultural and universal applied both to the State and to Latin American and Caribbean societies. Four links are analyzed and describe: The first, the society-nature metabolism as the determination of the pandemic process and the strengthening of a geopolitics of power in the increasing expansion of the global health security agenda as a priority of the prevailing accelerated, asymmetric and dehumanized world system; the second critical link, on the basis of an epidemiology and public health governed by microbiology in the design and management of interventions against individual and collective epidemic risk. The third critical link, articulated to this the updating of the doctrine of contagion in the 21st century as the preeminent grammar of the sociopolitical language of human and social relations to think of an epidemic articulated to what we call the transfer of the classic clinical and institutional protocols for the prevention and control of hospital infections as massive population health measures reproduced towards society, and the fourth link, it is about the hybrids and rapid institutional arrangements for fragile, segmented and chronically underfunded Health Systems. Finally, the potentialities of a horizon of regional health sovereignty are outlined for the well-being of societies from the foundations of a new Health from the South.

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